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Overview of Company

My company is CIE Automotive, an international conglomerate who fabricate and supply components to car companies all around the world. Their website lists their mission, vision and values; all of which encompass the aspiration to be the benchmark in process management. An interview with CEO, Jesus Marie Herrera, discusses how they are reaching this goal and what makes the company continue to grow.

CIE’s largest challenge, self-admittedly, is the multitude of changes currently underway in the industry. This includes tightening of environmental regulations, global economic slowdown and threats to international trade from political uncertainties. In their 2019 annual report (different to the consolidated annual report where I found their financial statements) the roadmap to combat the above challenges is detailed; cut emissions, digitalise vehicles and boost vehicle comfort and connectivity while working in collaboration with other sectors.

I found it interesting to research what the company's employees (all 28,000 of them!) thought of where they work. Reviews of the company itself ranged from negative, such as “the organisation lacks cohesiveness” and “multiple layers of management that do not communicate well” to positive reviews, for example “challenging environment that encourages personal growth and “impressive salary”. Another website shows an average rating of 3.9 stars over five variables; work/life balance, compensation/benefits, job/security advancement, management and culture. It is interesting to see that employees appear to have relatively high job satisfaction in a company as large as CIE with so many different divisions/layers of management.

Most important to me, personally, is corporate social responsibility (CSR) - how companies contribute positively to society. CSR Hub, who track and rate company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) measures, gave CIE a rating of 75 out of 100 for when compared against other companies in the same industry. In 2015, as part of their environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitment, CIE joined the United Nations Global Compact, an initiative that encourages CEOs to commit to the implementation, and support, of universal sustainability principles. To further their CSR they also partake in numerous social action (the use of human, technical or financial resources to help the less advantaged groups in society) projects.

I feel I could learn something new about this company every day, long after my assignment is submitted, so I hope in the short timeframe I have that I do CIE Automotive justice!


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