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Assignment Two - Step Three

UPDATE: I have finished restating all three of my financial statements as well as my commentary on step three - attached below. What fun! I am looking forward to both receiving and providing feedback (I feel confident that I now know what to look for in terms of errors...hopefully haha).

Oh my Dog...I feel so far behind already. Vacation week was not a catch-up week for me (you know, life) and here I am at the end of Week Six only just restating my SOCIE. After a few hurdles I found it was not as hard as I was expecting, just time-consuming. I am open to all feedback on my spreadsheet at this early stage and will keep it updated here on my blog as I restate more figures. Cannot wait to have a finalised draft by the end of the week!

1 Comment

Gyharn Wilkin
Gyharn Wilkin
Aug 31, 2020

Hi Kellie,

Your restated SOCIE is looking amazing. I can tell you put alot of effort into the presentation and it has made it easy to read.

Your balances match! Thats awesome work!

I also had a hedge fund (fuel) that I classified as operational. I figured since fuel was used everyday, like cash, it would an easy fit.

Good lucky with the rest!

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